
Overexposed is like the guy in a bar full of ex-girlfriends that won’t take no for an answer. When the “did it hurt?” type lines don’t work he takes the “remember that time” route in hopes of scoring. It’s clear he has history with lots of women but can’t seem to pick one. There’s the hostel “I hate you but I love you” relationship, the self destructive relationship and the oh so popular “one that got away” relationship but Overexposed refuses to give up on any of them. Some might think it’s commendable or even heroic to see a guy run from woman to woman to console, fight or pine over from across the room but at the end of the day or night it’s just tiring. As well as the women he has let down, Overexposed has had his fair share of heartache as well and he has no problem sharing. After a couple drinks and hearing ‘how much she hurt him but he deserved it’, over and over his sensitive side starts to look a little weak. One drink too many and Overexposed turns from the sweet cocktail buying “I only want to love somebody” into the pathetically crying in the wash-room “I’m so sad” drunk. On a female bender, he’s too tipsy, hurt and sick of wiping away tears so he decides to go home alone again. Inconsistent and debatably good intentioned, Overexposed is all over the place but at least you know what you’re going to have to listen to when you take it out.

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